Our mission is to provide quality benefits and services to meet the needs of our clients. Learn More
Active Employees are employees of the State of New Jersey, Local Government, and Local Education.
Retired members are retirees of the State of New Jersey, Local Government, and Local Education.
Employers who participate in the State-administered Retirement Systems and Benefit Programs.
1.16.25 Members and retirees who have questions regarding their recent move to the Aetna DMO plan from another DPO plan may read Aetna’s DMO FAQs . For active and retired members who have begun an orthodontics treatment plan and have made a dental plan change, please see Aetna’s Transition of Care for Orthodontics FAQ . If you are a retired member with questions regarding dental plan tiers, please see the SHBP/SEHBP Retiree Dental Plan Tiers FAQs .
12.20.2024 The pension loan interest rate for calendar year 2025 has been set by the New Jersey State Treasurer at 10 percent per annum on the declining balance of the loan. The administrative processing fee remains at $15.00 per loan. The interest rate is determined using the Prime Rate (7.5 percent) plus 2.5 percent. The administrative processing fee is set annually and is based on the actual costs associated with administering the pension loan program. For more information, please visit our Pension Loans page.
12.3.2024 Fiscal Year 2025 Local Employer Billing and FY 2024/2025 Comparisons are now posted for the Public Employees’ Retirement System and the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System. Find out more.
MBOS Snapshot:
The Member Benefits Online System (MBOS) gives registered users internet access to pension and health benefit account information and online applications. Some options include:
You may log on or register using the "Access my MBOS Account" section located at the top of every page.
Need to change your name or address? Report a death? Add a family member to your benefits? See the Life Events below to learn more.
Address Change
Active Members
The NJDPB does not retain address information for active employees. If you request a letter or statement, you will be required to provide your current address at that time.
Members of ABP, DCRP, and SACT should use an ABP/DCRP/SACT Change of Address Form
Retired Members
Retired members must use MBOS to change their address.
Active and Retired Members Enrolled in the SHBP/SEHBP should log into Benefitsolver to make address updates.
Name Change
Active members and retirees can complete an Affidavit of Name and/or Gender Change form and submit it to the NJDPB along with required documentation.
Active Employees
To register or log on to MBOS, look for "Access MBOS" above.
When removing a dependent child from your coverage (for any reason) there may be a change in the amount deducted from your paycheck or retirement check (if self-paid) due to your coverage-level change.
If your spouse’s employment status changes (e.g., starts or leaves a job), you can enroll/disenroll them in your health plan. Proof of new coverage or proof of loss of coverage is required. There will be a change in the amount deducted from your paycheck or retirement check (if self-paid) due to your coverage-level change. Members of the SHBP/SEHBP must complete a Life Event change on Benefitsolver to add or remove a dependent spouse/partner.
If you divorce or dissolve your civil union or domestic partnership, you must remove your former spouse or partner from your health plan when the event occurs. There will be a change in the amount deducted from your paycheck or retirement check (if self-paid) due to your coverage-level change.
Members of the SHBP/SEHBP must complete a Life Event change on Benefitsolver to add or remove a dependent spouse/partner.
Other Considerations:
Leave of Absence: Taking a Leave of Absence without pay for illness or family leave can have an impact your service credit, retirement, and health benefits coverage. Upon returning to employment from a leave of absence, you may be eligible to purchase service credit .
PERS, TPAF, and PFRS members are eligible to purchase service credit for official leaves of absence without pay.
Disability: If you have general questions regarding temporary or permanent disability benefits, you must contact your employer’s human resources representative or benefits administrator.
Workers' Compensation can impact pension contributions, life insurance, and health benefits.
Other considerations:
Active Employees
The NJDPB should be notified of the death of an employee or retiree as soon as possible. Beneficiaries of pension and/or life insurance payments and surviving spouse/partner/dependents on the member's health insurance coverage will be notified by mail. Required forms and documentation should be returned to the NJDBP immediately in order to process payments and/or provide insurance.
Death of Spouse/Partner/Dependent: If your spouse/partner or dependent child passes away, he or she must be removed from your health plan. There may be a change in the amount deducted from your paycheck or retirement check (if self-paid) due to the coverage-level change.
Members of the SHBP/SEHBP must complete a Life Event change on Benefitsolver to remove a dependent.
Other Considerations:
Pension Boards and Health Benefits Commission Information
Employer Pensions and Health Benefits Training
The NJDPB presents employer training for Certifying Officers and other personnel responsible for the administration of pensions and benefits at employing locations. All training is designed to include recent changes to administrative rules, State and federal laws.
The Division of Pensions & Benefits offers a schedule of webinars to help members of the PERS, TPAF, PFRS, or DCRP understand their benefits on a variety of topics – in addition to planning for retirement. These webinars are live, interactive web presentations hosted by GoToMeeting that conclude with a brief Q&A period.
For inclement weather cancellations, call 609-292-6649.
The Division of Pensions & Benefits has all financial reports available on our Financial Reports page.
More videos are available to view in our Video Library
Retirement Types, Eligibility & Calculations
Retired Benefitsolver Guide
Solving MBOS Login Issues Part 1